Last Friday, we notice project manager losing privileges to approve time entries. Did Microsoft change something on their end? I opened a ticket with Microsoft to check. As a workaround, I added the Project approver security role.
Exception Message: You do not have enough privileges to access the Microsoft Dynamics 365 object or perform the requested operation. For more information, contact your Microsoft Dynamics 365 administrator.
Error Details: {"errorCode":2147779334,"message":"You do not have enough privileges to access the Microsoft Dynamics 365 object or perform the requested operation. For more information, contact your Microsoft Dynamics 365 administrator.","code":2147779334,"title":"Access Is Denied","raw":"{\"_errorCode\":2147779334,\"_errorFault\":{\"_responseXml\":null,\"_errorCode\":2147779334,\"_innerFault\":{\"_responseXml\":null,\"_errorCode\":0,\"_innerFault\":null,\"_callStack\":null,\"_responseText\":null,\"_annotations\":null,\"_messages\":[\"Principal with id 18349d3d-15c9-e911-a9a4-000d3a180af3 does not have CreateAccess right(s) for record with id 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 of entity msdyn_approvalset.