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COGS reports split on cost categories

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Posted on by 233 User Group Leader

We are producing items with mutilevel BOMs, typically 3 levels. We are using FiFO as inventory value model.

A typical item could look like this:
Finished product (Item F1) has 3 route operations (grinding, blasting, painting) and no raw material
  Semi finished product (Item S1) has 1 route operation (cutting) and raw material R1
    Raw material (Item R1)

To produce F1 we would need two production orders P1 and P2.

Production Item Raw material Operations Cost category:
Cost category:
P2 S1 R1 Cutting 25125 3450
P1 F1 - Grinding
0 7151

After selling the items we would like to se the costs in the "Sales analysis by invoice" report split by cost categories.Today there is only one column "Cost value" which is the sum of all production costs including material. I understand this could be a problem to show the correct value until the inventory is closed since we use FIFO, but after closing the inventory the system should know from what production order the cost comes from and what categories the costs were devide in,


Could this be accomplished in any way?
And if not, how do other companies to trying to answer the question: What's the material cost for all sold items for a specific period?

Thanks in advance!

  • Henrik Nordlöf Profile Picture
    Henrik Nordlöf 233 User Group Leader on at
    RE: COGS reports split on cost categories

    Thanks for your answer, but it's the cost for the sold items we are interested in, not the inventory value. Or did I missunderstand you?

  • Suggested answer
    saurabh bharti Profile Picture
    saurabh bharti 15,029 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    RE: COGS reports split on cost categories

    Can you try using Inventory value report and configure with include labour , indirect cost, enable cogs etc... on report id setup

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