RE: Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2020 - Import Credit Card Transaction Fails
Hi Gregory,
The error is stating one of the end tags does not match the start tag for character 205.
My recommendation is to do the following steps. Steps 1-3 are optional; it is just for ease of reading the .qbo file. Steps 4-7 is what you need to follow.
1. Open a web browser I am using Bing for my example Bing XML Formatter
2. Then copy/paste the .qbo file into the XML Formatter box > click format button.
3. Then copy/paste this format from XML Formatter back to your notepad so it is easier to read.
4. Look for character 205 (per the error message).
5. Look at the end tag for character 205 compare it to its start tag.
6. Fix the end tag to look like the start tag. In my example below, I would remove ‘s’.
7. Try uploading the file once this is fixed.
A start tag will look like this <word> the end tag will look like this </word>. The forward slash indicates it is an end tag.
Start and End tags that match: the start tags are blue, the end tags are yellow.

Start and End tags that do not match: To fix this so it matches the start tag, I would remove the ‘s’.

I hope this helps!
Margi Jandro
Microsoft Support