i have a custom entity named "subscription". I created a new n:n relation named "new_new_subscription_contact".
Now i want to create an marketing email where i can display all subscriptions a contact has.
I have played around with 1:n relations :
{{#each contact.lead_contact_parentcontactid}}
This example is working for me.
I have no idea how to implement a for each loop with n:n relation.
Thanks for you help
Hi Novia,
The product currently doesn't support N:N relationships in this scenario for emails. N:N relationship support was added only to Segmentation. Please direct any further queries to d365mktcomm@microsoft.com
Preeti Rana
Hello Clofly,
thank your for your help.
Unfortunately the for each loop does not show any data.
I have added three records but nothing shows up.
Hi Novia,
Can you find other relationships(1:N or N:N) in marketing email assist-edit besides N:1?
I don't know why 1:N or N:N have been removed in assist-edit in my current version(9.1.0000.13225) even if I had configured sync setting for my custom entity.
To enable a custom entity that has any relationship to contact entity in marketing email, please do follow steps:
1. Configure sync setting for custom entity:
2. In previous edition, you shall see all available relationships for contact in assist-edit:
If you can't find the relationship you want, try to add it manually.
3. I also created a Subscription entity(N:N to contact), and I can find the relationship name in segment query view:
copy the relationship.
4. In marketing email, add following for each loop expression
Your Subscription:
{{#each contact.new_new_subscription_contact_new_subscription_contact}}
Then create a simple customer journey for test.
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