I have installed "System diagnostics" tool on the AOS server machine and made all required pre-configuration tasks, but the tool is unable to connect with the LCS web-service. (I have followed all the installation steps provided by Microsoft https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/fin-ops-core/dev-itpro/lifecycle-services/ax-2012/install-run-system-diagnostics-lcs )
The discovering the AX environment step works fine. The problem occurs during the “Upload environment” step.
Here is the error from event log: "Web Service Call Failed: An error occurred while making the HTTP request to diagservice.lcs.dynamics.com/externalservices.svc. This could be due to the fact that the server certificate is not configured properly with HTTP.SYS in the HTTPS case. This could also be caused by a mismatch of the security binding between the client and the server."
Any help would be appreciated.