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error "Account structures that include financial dimensions have not been selected for the ledger" when adding financial dimension to address.

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I try add financial dimension to a form by following this clip


It work fine as expected but when I applied to customers' address by adding DimensionDefault field to DirPartyTable and LogisticsPostalAddress form it cause this message came out "Account structures that include financial dimensions have not been selected for the ledger"

I try to change EDT of DimensionDefault field to LedgerDefaultDimensionValueSet and follow this blog but still facing the same message. Any idea?


  • Suggested answer
    Bill Ngo Profile Picture
    Bill Ngo 366 on at
    error "Account structures that include financial dimensions have not been selected for the ledger" when adding financial dimension to address.
    Hi Dhanate,
    The DirPartyLocation table could be a global table, you would need to have a link to a legal entity. So you should consider creating an additional table (e.g DirPartyLocationDefaultDimlinked to the DirPartyLocation table having following fields DirPartyLocation (Plus Location field to link to RecId of DirPartyLocation). For more detail refer to HcmPositionDefaultDimension table.
    Create a Form + a Menu for a Dialog form like HcmPositionDefaultDimensionDialog form. Like Microsoft have implemented this for having dimensions on the All positions form below. 
    Its show looks like:
  • DP-04060556-0 Profile Picture
    DP-04060556-0 73 on at
    error "Account structures that include financial dimensions have not been selected for the ledger" when adding financial dimension to address.
    Hi Bill,
    I set SalesPerson as FD and some customers service by a few salespersons, each of them take care some locations of customer. I think it is quite logic for this scenario,
  • Suggested answer
    Bill Ngo Profile Picture
    Bill Ngo 366 on at
    error "Account structures that include financial dimensions have not been selected for the ledger" when adding financial dimension to address.
    Hi Dhanate,
    I don't know your main purpose of putting DimensionDefault field into the customer's address form? But in my opinion, putting your DimensionDefault field into the customer's address subform is not reasonable. Because in the customer's main form already has DimensionDefault field, so I don't see any meaning in this.
  • Suggested answer
    GirishS Profile Picture
    GirishS 27,821 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    error "Account structures that include financial dimensions have not been selected for the ledger" when adding financial dimension to address.
    Hi Dhanate,
    Below thread is having the solution. Please go through this.
    Girish S.
  • RE: error "Account structures that include financial dimensions have not been selected for the ledger" when adding financial dimension to address.

    Hi guys,

    To update you about my troubleshooting. I create a new form and just add DirPartyLocation table which I added DefaultDimension field into it. This form work as expected. Fin Dims populated as usual. Hence I suspect the issue is because some setting in LogisticsPostalAddress form but I still cannot figure out.



  • RE: error "Account structures that include financial dimensions have not been selected for the ledger" when adding financial dimension to address.

    Hi Girish S,

    It was my typo. actually I add DimensionDefault field into DirPartyLocation table in both AX2012 and D365. It works fine in AX2012 but not in D365.



  • GirishS Profile Picture
    GirishS 27,821 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    RE: error "Account structures that include financial dimensions have not been selected for the ledger" when adding financial dimension to address.

    LogisticsPostalAddress form doesn't have DirPartyTable as DataSource. I think you need to add DimensionDefault field to LogisticsPostalAddress table.


    Girish S.

  • RE: error "Account structures that include financial dimensions have not been selected for the ledger" when adding financial dimension to address.

    Hi André Arnaud de Calavon,

    Can you clarify about table entity without entity context? does it means table with "SaveDataPerCompany"=Yes or table with field LegalEntity?

    In the mean time I try your advise about using workers to captures Fin Dims, do you have any idea why attach default dimension to address table in AX2012 can work but not in D365 F&O?



  • Suggested answer
    André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 291,965 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: error "Account structures that include financial dimensions have not been selected for the ledger" when adding financial dimension to address.

    Hi Daniel,

    The addresses table is a global table without legal entity context. You can follow the same approach as done in the standard for workers. Microsoft created an additional table to store the dimensions per worker/per legal entity.

  • Suggested answer
    BillurSamdancioglu Profile Picture
    BillurSamdancioglu 16,455 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: error "Account structures that include financial dimensions have not been selected for the ledger" when adding financial dimension to address.

    You should assign account structures to ledger

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