Hey Everyone:
I'm having an issue where no matter what I try, I cannot seem to get an action onto the Posted Sales Invoice list, or the Posted Sales Invoice page. I have a page extension object which adds fields to both of these and I've tried code to add an action that I want to undertake, but nothing is working. It seems that these pages operate under slightly different principles than I'm accustomed to. As an example, here's the code that I'm using:
Caption = 'Update Status';
ToolTip = 'Sends message to update the status of the document';
ApplicationArea = All;
Image = VendorPayment;
Visible = true;
trigger OnAction()
Message('Not yet implemented');
actionref(UpdateStatus_Promoted; UpdateStatus)
The issue is that nothing will appear under any of the areas that I choose. I've tried multiple variants, and I'm wondering if anyone has come across this before, and perhaps could point me the right way? I'm trying to insert onto page 132 (Posted Sales Invoice) or page 143 (Posted Sales Invoices) and neither seem to accept my attempts.
Thank you in advance.
[edit: formatting]
[edit: I really hate the formatting for code on this site]