Hi all,
i'm trying to use the Xrm.WebApi.offline API in Dynamics 365 to perform the RetriveMultiple operation in offline mode when using the mobile app without internet connection.
When I am running below code in offline, facing error "This Operation failed because your're offline. Reconnect and try again later"
Xrm.WebApi.offline.retrieveMultipleRecords("new_tree", "?$select=new_treename&$filter=new_parenttree eq 724a2315-7dfe-ea11-a815-000d3a35b35b and contains(new_assetname, 'fire')")
But when I am running below code without 'contains' operator then it is working.
Xrm.WebApi.offline.retrieveMultipleRecords("new_tree", "?$select=new_treename&$filter=new_parenttree eq 724a2315-7dfe-ea11-a815-000d3a35b35b")
I have tried with 'Like' also, but it is not working.
Can anyone suggest, what exactly we can do here to query with 'contains' operator,
Hi Leo,
Thanks for reply.
We have set up mobile offline profile and while doing testing in mobile we always do profile synchronization.
For comparison we have values to compare hence we are sure that we are not comparing will null.
As per suggested URL, It is for Retrieve or filter lookup properties, that we are taking care of it.
But our concern is regarding 'contains' operator, it is working when we go online in mobile but when we go offline then it is giving error. "This Operation failed because your're offline. Reconnect and try again later"
Hi Partner,
First please make sure that you've set up the mobile offline synchronization first.
And in the Doc, comparing with null is also not supported. So some operators may not be supported in offline mode.
If the issue still exists, please raise a ticket to Microsoft to check if it is by design or need other configurations.
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