I recently discovered the Managed Accounts and Managed Contacts relationships under the Related menu in the main Account form. I can't find any documentation about what these are for and what they do. Advanced Find shows me that I have 3 Managed Accounts in our entire CRM, but they should NOT be managed. I can't find any way to UN-manage an account, but it is pretty easy to add either a new or existing account under an Account record's Managed Accounts. Does anyone know what these are, how they function and how to un-manage an account relationship? I can't find any menu options to do any modification or removal of this relationship once it is established.
In the customization area under Accounts -> 1:N Relationships, I found this field name: msa_account_managingpartner. The description just says /Unique identifier for Account associated with Account./
Added accounts will be associated with current account through 'Managing Partner' lookup field.
If you want to unlink the two accounts (leave the account unmanaged), you can clear the value of this field.
We cannot delete this OOB established relationship:
Maybe we can make this lookup field not added to any forms and remove 'Managed Accounts' tab from each account forms:
I hope you can mark my answer verified if it is helpful! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Regards, Leah
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