I currently have code which checks when a user tries to delete a item from released production order's and errors If there are currently picked items. I then ask the user if they want to Unpick these items. How would I go about Writing this.
I figure I need to get the routing lines for the production order and then call a function called "Unpick" for example (I have one created for this)
"For each routing line, call the relevant function with the routing link code (SMT, TH etc) from the Routing Lines above."
These are the filters I use on the Routing page
This is my code so far
recWarehouseEntry.SETRANGE("Source No.","No.");
IF recWarehouseEntry.FINDFIRST THEN
CONFIRM('Cannot delete as there are picked items. Do you wish to unpick?', FALSE) = TRUE THEN
Any and all feedback is appreciated!
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