Our MS Dynamics 8.2 on-premise environment is suddenly getting errors. It's the exact same error mentioned in this blog posting:
Exception message: Could not find entry for server: <servername>$ With SearchFilter:samAccountName
at Microsoft.Crm.SecurityUtils.GetActiveDirectoryEntry(String searchItem, String searchFilter, String searchItemLogInfo, Boolean throwIfNotFound)
at Microsoft.Crm.SecurityUtils.GetLocalSystemGuid()
at Microsoft.Crm.Caching.OrganizationSettingsCacheLoader.LoadCacheData(Guid key, ExecutionContext context)
No changes to our Windows Servers or service accounts running Dynamics at all.
Could it be the Nov 2022 security updates having been installed on Windows Server DC's ? There is blog posting about it here.
Opened ticket with MS Support. Nothing of any value from them yet.