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Microsoft Dynamics NAV forum
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Just told I could not inactivate a vendor (or any other master record)?????!!!!! Every other system I've used allowed inactivations.

Posted on by Microsoft Employee

I could always inactivate a vendor (not delete the vendor, especially if there is history attached), but inactivate a vendor, or GL account, or customer...

This prevents the vendor from appearing in drop down lists and even in the master list of vendors (which were always filtered by Active vs Inactive).

Is this truly the case in NAV??!!

There doesn't even appear to be a field available to filter on within NAV (maybe on some convoluted BLOCKED value).

What antiquarian wrote this, more importantly, what clueless designer hasn't looked around in the ERP universe of this century and hasn't brought NAV up to Model T speed?

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Just told I could not inactivate a vendor (or any other master record)?????!!!!! Every other system I've used allowed inactivations.

    I know the field 'blocked' but it has nothing to do with active or inactive. In my opinion, an active vendor is a vendor I use currently whereas an inactive vendor is someone I have not used for a long time- it could also be for the last 5 years I have never used him. But he's not blocked in my system. I thought it was the question from Toivo?

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Just told I could not inactivate a vendor (or any other master record)?????!!!!! Every other system I've used allowed inactivations.

    There is a simple way to do this.  On the Vendor card there is a field titled Blocked, set it to All on those vendors that are to be inactive.  Then have your partner, or if you have limited developer rights, modify Page 27 which is Vendor List, to filter out Blocked is true.  Next, copy that page to a custom range and remove the filter.  That way you can get in to reactive a Vendor if need be.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Just told I could not inactivate a vendor (or any other master record)?????!!!!! Every other system I've used allowed inactivations.

    I don't think there's an option to put filter to show only active vendors. What's the name of this field?

  • Suggested answer
    Alexander Ermakov Profile Picture
    Alexander Ermakov 28,094 on at
    RE: Just told I could not inactivate a vendor (or any other master record)?????!!!!! Every other system I've used allowed inactivations.

    It is actually not always needed to make customizations to filter out the unneeded items. What users can do is to make one-time filter by unneeded criteria, and then save the page as a new view using standard tools. Than they will always open the same list, but with that filter already applied.

    If you need to filter them out in the drop-down lists, that would require customization to filter them out automatically. What user-level person can do is to change the item ID (e.g., add a new special symbol to ID that would put all unused items to the bottom of the list while sorting them by IDs). That is a bit clumsy indeed, but so far it is an only option that would not require customization.

    Out "top-itemed" customer is having over 3,000,000 unique SKUs in the system and we did quite a bunch of changes in the system to make it operating smoothly.

  • Suggested answer
    TharangaC Profile Picture
    TharangaC 23,116 on at
    RE: Just told I could not inactivate a vendor (or any other master record)?????!!!!! Every other system I've used allowed inactivations.

    I think the implementation took place at your company been bit messy, actually once the system is implemented, it is a must to do the user personalization to modify the user interfaces which will ease the life of users. Plus if you check the below link you will see that even with the license Microsoft disable most of the UI elements.

    I suggest you to talk with your vendor and discuss your difficulties with them. I am sure they will be able to help your company.

  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Just told I could not inactivate a vendor (or any other master record)?????!!!!! Every other system I've used allowed inactivations.

    Sorry to hear you are struggling with NAV 2015.  We moved to this version Jan/2016 from 2009 Classic and it was quite the challenge.  We worked with our users on personalizing master records and roles removing all the unused elements - fast tabs, fields, etc and set up templates.  We can set up a new customer and start typing an order in about 10 enters - New Customer/Pick Template/Name/Address/Zip/Email/New Sales Order/Reference1/Reference2/type items.

    We have over 9000 items and of them only about 7,000 are active.  We have a special codes on each item card to indicate inactive.  We then went into the development area and changed the item list page filter to exclude those items.  We have a custom page that doesn't use the item list so we can change those excluded items back to active if need be.

    In your case I could suggest that in the development area, change the Vendor list page (27) to filter out blocked vendors.  A custom page will need to be set up so you still have access to those vendors if need be.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Just told I could not inactivate a vendor (or any other master record)?????!!!!! Every other system I've used allowed inactivations.

    I understand about providing a framework for development.

    But their method is shoddy.

    They could provide a framework that needs to be turned on piece by piece, field by field; with only the pieces needed for each installation appearing for each customer.

    Instead they throw the whole pile of lumber out there for the customer to pick through on a daily basis to find the pieces of oak or walnut or ebony that they need for their particular installation.

    It's a mess.  Just a mess. 

    More than half, maybe as many as 75% of the fields/choices/options shown on every master card is useless to us, just more wasted screen space, more tabs needed to pass by, more scrolling to get to the one or two fields we actually need.

  • Suggested answer
    TharangaC Profile Picture
    TharangaC 23,116 on at
    RE: Just told I could not inactivate a vendor (or any other master record)?????!!!!! Every other system I've used allowed inactivations.

    NAV versions : It is all about fixes, if Microsoft feel that one code segment can be written in a more efficient way then they fix the code segment and release it as a new CU. (just an example). All these versions are called as NAV and all these are released to improve the user experience.

  • Suggested answer
    TharangaC Profile Picture
    TharangaC 23,116 on at
    RE: Just told I could not inactivate a vendor (or any other master record)?????!!!!! Every other system I've used allowed inactivations.

    That is the beauty of the product, Microsoft build the framework (more than a framework) which fit for most of the business around the world. If a one particular business is following their unique process, then Microsoft has allowed partners to develop that unique functionality just for that customer.

    I do not think Microsoft will ever be able to develop a product which will fit all the customer requirements. What they are trying to do is make the base product more stable (it is stable than most of the products in the market) and let the partners to work on the additional modifications.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Just told I could not inactivate a vendor (or any other master record)?????!!!!! Every other system I've used allowed inactivations.

    I call major BS on "Microsoft working on refining the product".

    Last blog post I saw on the subject said that a Microsoft insider said they were working on fixing the bugs that every partner fixes before delivering the product to the customer.  Nothing about 'refining' or improving the product itself.  If anything, all they're working on is making it easier for partners to customize the product. 

    They need to be working on fixing the product as delivered out of the box. 

    Is there even such a thing as "NAV" in the marketplace, or is it just NAV version 1.00001...9.001137?  What really does it mean to use NAV? It's all custom, the resulting product only as good as the partner combined with the budget of the customer.  Starting with a woebegone bare-bones hot mess of a product.

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