Thanks for taking your time to read this question.
Please be so kind as to read my full question before answering.
Since rather recently work with the RibbonWorkbench of XRMToolBox has been annoying, both when working with entity ribbons, but even more when working with application ribbons.
I keep getting eithers timeouts
or error messages saying that RibbonMetadataGeneration is still running.
Checking the solution history, there seems to have been a change introduced sometime after June, that made RibbonMetadataGeneration significantly slower.
My actual questions:
- Why is RibbonMetadataGeneration "suddenly" so slow and maybe how to "fix it"?
- Any ideas on how to still keep on working with RibbonWorkbench even with timeouts and RibbonMetadataGeneration being excruciatingly slow