I am trying to set up a marketing list and the quick campaign is giving me a hard time. The tracking says the email was successful but it never came to the addressee?
I am trying to set up a marketing list and the quick campaign is giving me a hard time. The tracking says the email was successful but it never came to the addressee?
You know how in Outlook you can request a read/delivery receipt to confirm the the recipient has read/received the email? That is what I mean. Can you do something like that in Quick Campaign?
What do you mean by Read Reciept?
Can you please elaborate your need?
Please mark my answer verified if this is helpful!
Bipin Kumar
Follow my Blog: xrmdynamicscrm.wordpress.com/
Thank you so much. It worked. Now I have another questions: Is there a way to set up a read receipt with Quick Campaign?
Did you verify the Email record status?
Does it say Sent or Pending Send?
You would need to verify your mailbox configuration as suggested by Nya.
Check if you have enabled Outgoing profile for your mailbox and also verify the system settings.
Please mark my answer verified if this is helpful!
Bipin Kumar
Follow my Blog: xrmdynamicscrm.wordpress.com/
Have you tried to send an email directly with the same sender?
If this sender is unable to send the message successfully, please check his/her mailbox.
1. Sign into Dynamics 365 (online) as a user with the following privileges:
Global Administrator or Exchange Administrator role in Office 365
System Administrator role in Dynamics 365
2. Navigate to Settings and then click Email Configuration.
3. Click Mailboxes.
4. Change the view from my My Active Mailboxes to Active Mailboxes.
5. Select the mailbox and then click the Approve Email button.
6. After the mailbox is approved, you can select the mailbox and then click the Test & Enable Mailboxes button.
NOTE: If the test results are something other than success, you can open the mailbox record and click the Alerts section. View the details of any errors that were logged.
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