Can you Auto renew a contract and keep the same contract number?
Can you Auto renew a contract and keep the same contract number?
Below are information from help file.
Also there are options available in Contract setup window for Auto renew contract number and reuse same number.
Automatically renew contract documents
Setting up documents for automatic renewal ensures that all invoices and revenue recognition have been completed for the contract. It also ensures that the information in the renewal window is used to create the new contract. Canceled contract lines are not copied over to the new contract.
You can set up a document for automatic renewal by following the transfer process or by renewing the contract using the Contract Move Routine window. For more information, see Move or renew contract documents.
When the last invoice for the contract is billed and the Run Auto–Renew routine check box is selected, the contract is renewed automatically based on the information in the renewal window.
You also can use the Auto–Renew routine separately from Contract Billing (Field Service > Utilities > Field Service > Service Utilities > Auto Renew Contracts). Enter a due date and select an option, then click Process.
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