Hi guys,
i'm trying to silently install Dynamics 365 on my win 2016 server VM. I downloaded installation iso from https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=57478. I'm logged with domain account which is in local "Administrators" group (at the same time i'm even Domain Admin) so permissions shall not be issue.
When i mount this iso, start cmd as admin and trigger E:\Server\amd64\SetupServer.exe /qn /config C:\\install\\crm_install_config.xml /L*v c:\\install\\crm_install.logi get log file as bellow.
Same is happening when i trigger the installation through UI. It also does not matter if i enable internet connectivity or not. No antivirus is installed yet.
PS: seems like workaround may be to unzip the iso into folder and run the installation from there. This at, least let, me enter licence key. Haven't tried further yet... i do not think that’s right way anyway...
Any idea what can be wrong?
Any help highly appreciated
log which gets created in C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\MSCRM\Logs\crmsetup.txt (again - no matter if triggered from UI or cmd line)
17:10:56| Info| === Setup bootstrap logging started 5/14/2020 5:10:56 PM ===
17:10:56| Info| Bootstrap version:
17:10:56| Info| User: xxx.
17:10:56| Info| Invoked with command line: "E:\Server\amd64\SetupServer.exe"
17:10:56| Info| Running E:\Server\amd64\SetupServer.exe
17:10:56| Info| Loading bootstrap library E:\Server\amd64\ServerSetup.dll
17:10:56| Info| Dynamics 365 is not currently installed.
17:10:56| Info| Closing bootstrap library E:\Server\amd64\ServerSetup.dll
17:10:56| Info| Error 0x00000003 encountered when trying to find the MSP update file.
17:10:56| Info| No MSP update will be installed.
17:10:56| Info| Searching for MU Service in system
17:10:56| Info| MU Service not found in system
17:10:56| Info| Got IUpdateServiceRegistration interface
17:10:56| Info| Machine is neither opted into MU nor pending opt-in with MU
17:10:56| Info| MU Service registration status = Not Registered
17:11:00| Info| Do not update Radio clicked -- proceeding with setup without update
17:11:02| Info| Do not update Radio clicked -- proceeding with setup without update
17:11:02| Info| Copying installer files to local directory:
17:11:02| Info| Package: E:\Server\amd64\Server.msi, Options: ADDLOCAL="Installer" INSTALLDIR="C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Temp\2\MSCRM_{E7FBFF38-58C8-45E7-A92D-BB96B9BF37D5}" TARGETDIR="C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Temp\2\MSCRM_{E7FBFF38-58C8-45E7-A92D-BB96B9BF37D5}" ALLOWRUN=1
17:11:04| Error| Error 1603 reported by MsiInstallProduct
17:11:04| Error| Setup cannot proceed because an error occured while copying installer files to the local system: Fatal error during installation. (Setup.cpp:CCrmSetup::CopyInstallerFiles:499).
17:11:25| Error| Setup cannot proceed because an error occured while copying installer files to the local system: Fatal error during installation. , Error, OK
17:11:25| Info| InputResult: OK
17:11:28| Info| Are you sure you want to cancel Setup?, Question, Yes|No
17:11:28| Info| InputResult: Yes
17:11:28| Info| Clean up the BITS downloader.
17:11:28| Info| Uninitializing COM.
17:11:28| Info| Uninitialized COM.
17:11:28| Info| Clean up the BITS downloader.
17:11:28| Info| === Setup bootstrap logging ended 5/14/2020 5:11:28 PM ===