Is there a way to fix an under accrued payroll benefit, without running another payroll? The situation is this.
In 2021 we missed a benefit accrual for an employee. We doubled their accrual in Feb 2022. We did not change the YTD Max limit for the two benefits in question, H&W and Legal. Now in December those two benefits were shorted, because they hit their annual limit (which is the amount of the monthly benefits x 12).
Can we fix this with an additional accrual in December 2022, without any payroll hours to run them with?
I know we could just double up January 2023 again, but I’d rather fix this in 2022, since we are aware of the problem and doubling up created this mess in the first place.
Hi Victor,
Yes you can make these type of corrections with Payroll Manual Checks
Here is a good blog on it
Here is a section in our documentation around it too
Terry Heley
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