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Dividing a segment or Customer Journey

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Hi guys,

My client is asking whether or not it is possible to divide either a segment or a customer journey?

They would ideally like to send out an e-mail to e.g. 25% of a segment - then a 7 day delay - then send out same mail to another 25% of the segment and so on.

Is it possible to achieve this in any way? I tried to think of a work around but nothing came to my mind other than dividing the total segment into 4 using a field on the contact. That's not ideal though and too much work I believe if this could be a regular thing.

Thank in advance,

Emil Dusi

  • For A Fact Profile Picture
    For A Fact 91 on at
    RE: Dividing a segment or Customer Journey

    Det fik du kan jeg se :)

    Kunne ikke se de andre svar inde fra Denmark CRMUG gruppen :)

  • For A Fact Profile Picture
    For A Fact 91 on at
    RE: Dividing a segment or Customer Journey

    Hej Emil. Fik du et svar på denne?

    Et alternativ er at bruge Split funktionen i Customer Journey. Så vil gruppen random blive opdelt i forskellige grupper og du kan sætte en Wait condition på således gruppe 1 får mailen straks, gruppe 2 efter en uge og så videre.

    Flemming. (også medlem af Denmark CRMUG)


    Kind regards
    Flemming Baekdal
    Strategic data-marketing advisor.

    Data driven and marketing automation specialist for Dynamics 365/CRM
    Tlf. +45 2972 6117


    For A Fact
    Strategy & Consulting based on Facts!

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Dividing a segment or Customer Journey

    Thank you Nya,

    I don't know why I have never noticed that tile! Strange

  • Verified answer
    Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: Dividing a segment or Customer Journey

    Hi Emil,

    If the division you mentioned is random, you can try using Split tile to achieve it.

    The design is something like:


    If it is not random, it is impractical to divide without using a specific field.

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