Hi guys,
I would like to seek help from you guys. I have questions:
1. PurchTable has Currency Code Field and I would like to ask if how to get the rate(in ExchangeRateCurrencyPair Table) but i have created a code:
display VendExchRate dispExchangeRate()
ExchangeRate exchangeRate;
ExchangeRateCurrencyPair exchangeRateCurPair;
PurchTable purchTable;
PurchLine purchLine;
VendTable vendTable;
//Select query - Purch Table
select * from vendTable join exchangeRateCurPair where this.Currency == exchangeRateCurPair.FromCurrencyCode;
//Select query - Exchange Rate Currency Pair
select * from exchangeRate where exchangeRate.RecId == exchangeRateCurPair.RecId ;
return exchangeRate.ExchangeRate;
The currency CNY -MYR conversion has 2 data which displays valid exchange rates for the date range how to display according date range?
Hoping for your fast Response.
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