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Session Id : tQJ9WGWPfXF5mZ1ghG/9ls
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Relationship between PurchaseId and CorrelationId?

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Posted on 15 Sep 2022 16:01:06 by 10

Is there a relationship between PurchaseId and CorrelationId?  ie.  How do you identify the registrations paid by a payment?

Use Case: Create an Event Registration and Integrate the payment with the University payment gateway

  1. We can create Event Registrations
  2. We can pay for the registration


  1. We are unable to match the payment with the registration



Image 1: “Eric Test Event”  event registration page


Image 2: Registration for 3 individuals who were paid. *** Note that the Correlation ID is the same because the registrations were done with one payment.



  1. We have setup an Angular project via Visual Studio Code and are using the api to create the registration. – THIS GENERATES the “PurchaseId”
  2. We are sending the “PurchaseId” to the payment gateway. The payment gateway returns the “PurchaseId” when the payment successfully completes.
  3. Using the “PurchaseId” on successful payments we call the “/api/data/v9.0/msevtmgt_FinalizeExternalRegistrationRequest” found in the reference below
  4. The registration(s) appear following this call referenced in step 3.
  5. We are unable to relate the “PurchaseId” to the correlating events. My understanding from Microsoft is that the PurchaseId is temporary.
  • Suggested answer
    Diana Roy Profile Picture
    on 23 Sep 2022 at 13:09:51
    RE: Relationship between PurchaseId and CorrelationId?

    Hi, this is at the moment not possible in Dynamics Marketing, but i will track these feedbacks for improvements for the future, Diana

  • Bryan Kraus Profile Picture
    10 on 20 Sep 2022 at 15:38:34
    RE: Relationship between PurchaseId and CorrelationId?

    If all registrations were "finalized" prior to sending the registrant to the payment gateway, would it be possible to get a relatable piece of information (correlation id) from the registration and then send them to the payment gateway to include the correlation id?  If the registration remains unpaid for X timeframe then cancel the registration?

  • Preston Cuer Profile Picture
    5 on 19 Sep 2022 at 14:48:21
    RE: Relationship between PurchaseId and CorrelationId?

    I am having the same challenge. It doesn't even show what each attendee purchased for passes- it just has the transaction total and a list of attendees. It would be best if the response from the finalization of the registration (msevtmgt_FinalizeExternalRegistrationRequest) returned a list of the registration id's that were created, instead of only containing the word "success".

    The best workarounds I can come up with are all bad:

    1. Don't reconcile payments to registrations.

    2. Manual Reconciliation- pass in the attendee info to the payment gateway (we're using PayPal) so that someone can reconcile attendees to payments manually.

    3. Email Reconciliation- require emails to be unique, either on the front end or when pulling the Purchase information. Then after registration is complete, pull the registrations by email and match them to the purchase (because of the lack of pass information this would have to be at a summary level based on Correlation ID)

    4. Time based reconciliation- pull the most recent registration that matches based on email address and connect them. Hope that two people don't register with the same email at exactly the same time.

    Hopefully we can get a real answer.

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