Is there a relationship between PurchaseId and CorrelationId? ie. How do you identify the registrations paid by a payment?
Use Case: Create an Event Registration and Integrate the payment with the University payment gateway
- We can create Event Registrations
- We can pay for the registration
- We are unable to match the payment with the registration
Image 1: “Eric Test Event” event registration page
Image 2: Registration for 3 individuals who were paid. *** Note that the Correlation ID is the same because the registrations were done with one payment.
- We have setup an Angular project via Visual Studio Code and are using the api to create the registration. – THIS GENERATES the “PurchaseId”
- We are sending the “PurchaseId” to the payment gateway. The payment gateway returns the “PurchaseId” when the payment successfully completes.
- Using the “PurchaseId” on successful payments we call the “/api/data/v9.0/msevtmgt_FinalizeExternalRegistrationRequest” found in the reference below
- The registration(s) appear following this call referenced in step 3.
- We are unable to relate the “PurchaseId” to the correlating events. My understanding from Microsoft is that the PurchaseId is temporary.