When filtering a view (adding the filter in the column) for contacts we do get SQL timeout error.
However, it works when displaying the main view which shows all records.
And also works when doing an advanced find and adding same filter as applied in teh view
We display only 50 records per page,
Filtering the view seems to apply filter to all data, and not only a subsets of records, i woudl expect it retreives only a subset whish are the ones that will be displaye in teh view.
This is the featchXml call that fails, (no related entities)
/api/data/v9.0/contacts?fetchXml=<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" no-lock="false" returntotalrecordcount="true" page="1" count="50"><entity name="contact"><attribute name="entityimage_url"/><attribute name="parent_contactid"/><attribute name="fullname"/><attribute name="emailaddress1"/><attribute name="parentcustomerid"/><attribute name="telephone1"/><attribute name="statecode"/><attribute name="contactid"/><attribute name="sector"/><attribute name="segment"/><filter type="and"><condition attribute="sector" operator="eq" value="866140001"/>