Hi All,
I am trying to retrieve All sub grid records.(Custom entity name Registrations on Contact form).
var firstEntityReference = Xrm.Page.getControl("Registrations").getGrid().getRows().get(0).getData().getEntity().getEntityReference();
This is retrieving the first record in the subgrid as I mentioned 0 in getData. But my logic is retrieve all the subgrid records and if in any of the subgrid if the attribute Price is null then just show the error as there is no price
foreach(subgrid record)
var price=getPrice(Subgrid Guid);
if(price is null)
{ } it should break the foreach loop and and show form notification that proce is not filled for some subgrid record(s).
if(price is not null) for every subgrid record it should call another function.
let me know if anyone knows hoe to imåplement.