RE: Secuencias de enrutamiento
It sounds like the automatic assignment of cases that arrive from the email inbox is not working as expected. Here are some steps you can follow to troubleshoot this issue:
1. Check the automatic creation and update rule: Make sure that the automatic creation and update rule is set up correctly and is associated with the correct queue. Also, ensure that the rule is activated and is set up to create cases when emails arrive in the inbox.
2. Verify the email processing settings: Check the email processing settings in Dynamics 365 CE to ensure that incoming emails are being processed correctly. To do this, go to Settings > Email Configuration > Email Configuration Settings. Verify that the option "Automatically process emails" is enabled and that the correct mailbox is selected.
3. Check the queue settings: Verify that the queue is set up correctly and has the appropriate members assigned to it. Make sure that the members have the necessary permissions to access and work on cases in the queue.
4. Test the automatic assignment: Send a test email to the mailbox associated with the automatic creation and update rule and verify that the case is created and assigned to the correct queue and user.
5. Review the system and application logs: Review the system and application logs in Dynamics 365 CE to see if there are any errors or warnings related to the automatic assignment of cases.
If you are still unable to resolve the issue, it may be helpful to reach out to Microsoft Support for further assistance.