I'm configuring Customer Insights at a client. On Power BI I do find the CI-connector, but client does not.
Prerequisites as mentioned on the documentation are met. Power BI connector - Dynamics 365 Customer Insights | Microsoft Docs
So what do you think could explain the lack of this connector?
Thanks again
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The connector itself is missing or, when you sign in it doesn't show any instances? If it's the latter, make sure you're logged into Power BI desktop, the related CI instances should just show up when you click on the connector. If it still doesn't show, clear your permissions (you can go to Edit Data Source Settings and just re-enter or clear them). If that doesn't work, I think there may be an issue with the region and Microsoft Support cihelp@microsoft.com can do it (this has happened once before that I know of).
If it's simply not showing the connector in Power BI, I'd double check the install, make sure you have latest version of Desktop, try on another machine.
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