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Delete one item

Posted on by 90


I have the question, here is the screen:

Is it possible to delete one of these items from the AX level in the red box (no matter which)?

I would like to delete one of these items. But I don't know what I can do to delete one of the items.

I am in the menu: purchase order.

  • Suggested answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Delete one item

    Hello norbertb,

    Alt+F9 usually works in any case. Maybe you lack sufficient user rights.

    Do you have a colleague around with more user rights and can you ask him/her whether they are able to delete a line?

    If they can do this, then you might have to ask for additional privileges in AX.

    Best regards,


  • norbertb Profile Picture
    norbertb 90 on at
    RE: Delete one item

    Unfortunately i don't have in "Funkcje" option with delete.

    And Alt+F9 unfortunately it doesn't work either.

  • Suggested answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Delete one item

    Good morning norbertb,

    Deleting should be possible.

    If I remember it correctly then try 'Funkcje' and then check if there is something that says delete.

    Alternatively, try to select the line and use Alt+F9 (please test this shortcut first in a demo environment; as far as I remember this deletes a record).

    Best regards,


  • RE: Delete one item

    Hello Norbertb,

    Do you want to delete a line on the purchase order.  It should be possible to do this as long as no quantity has been received.  Do you get an error when you try to delete a line?



  • norbertb Profile Picture
    norbertb 90 on at
    RE: Delete one item

    Sorry Ludwig

    I don't have option to change language from Polish to English. Unfortunately i have only Polish language.

    I am in "Purchase Order Details" and I would like to delete one line from the red box. Is it possible?

    What would you like to translate?

  • Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Delete one item

    Hello norbertb,

    Can you switch the display language to English and create a new screenprint.

    This would help a lot.

    Many thanks,


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