AOS Server: Running windows server 2008 r2 std 64 bits spanish.
Enterprise Portal Server: Running windows server 2008 r2 std 64 bits spanish, SharePoint 2010 Foundation 64 bits, IIS 7.5
DataBase server: Running Window server 2008 r2 std 64 bits spanish, SQL Server 2008 std r2 64 bits spanish, Reporting Services and analysis services both 2008 r2 64 bits spanish.
After update to Dynamics AX 2009 Rollup 7 we are experiencing the following error. This is the first time EP portal is implemented and deployed. I have try so many suggestions but non deals with this.
EP Users are not able to navigate through the EP pages. Below is the snapshot of the error which comes up in the EP Page. Sharepoint as usual doesn't show informative/descriptive errors and it's quite difficult to debug sharepoint pages, so my next bet was to look into Event Viewer to get a more detailed description of the error.
Event Viewer Log:
Dynamics Object Adapter Call failed Thread was being aborted System.Threading.ThreadAbortException at AxCore_Call(UInt64 , Char* , tagVARIANT* , Int32 , tagVARIANT* ) at Microsoft.Dynamics.BusinessConnectorNet.AxaptaObject.Call(String methodName, Object[] paramList) at Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.BusinessConnector.Session.DynamicsObjectAdapter.Call(String methodName) Microsoft Dynamics AX Business Connector Session 444. Thread was being aborted. at AxCore_Call(UInt64 , Char* , tagVARIANT* , Int32 , tagVARIANT* ) at Microsoft.Dynamics.BusinessConnectorNet.AxaptaObject.Call(String methodName, Object[] paramList) Session Release for Microsoft Dynamics failed. No .NET Business Connector session could be found. Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.BusinessConnector.Session.Exceptions.NoKernelSessionException at Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.BusinessConnector.Session.DynamicsSession.get_AxaptaAdapter() at Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.Portal.AxWebSession.WebSessionClientRemove() at Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.BusinessConnector.Session.DynamicsSession.Release(ICacheContext context)
I can provide additional details if needed. This seems like a bug to me, can any body help or confirm?.
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