RE: Can I set up Over/Under delivery % to populate into the PO if I use category to purchase?
Hi Kim,
Overdelivery percent is the allowance to go over your PO line quantity when generating a product receipt.
underdelivery is the allowance to let users cancel purchase orders which have open (Not received) quantities.
To populate these two fields on po, you should activate the parameter, and define over/underdelivery percent values on each item. Puchase order lines created after this setup change, will populate percentages from item detail. Or you can manually update them on open purchase order lines after you activate the parameter.
As Albrecht said, over/underdelivery percent is not related to your 3rd screenshot. Functionality you shared in your 3rd screenshot is used for invoice matching policies and more details can be found here:
Accounts payable parameters (form) [AX 2012]
Matching policy (form) [AX 2012]