Hi, i'm working in a report from incidents. It's Dynamics 365 Online. I'm using Visual studio 2012 with reporting services and CRM 2016 BIDS extension. My problem is when i add "aggregate" to fetch xml and i'ts sends me te current error:
Unable to cast object of type 'Microsoft.Crm.Reporting.DataExtension.Client.Fetch.FetchProxy' to type 'Microsoft.Crm.Sandbox.SandboxFetchProxy'.
This is my fetch:
<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false" aggregate="true"> <entity name="incident"> <attribute name="ownerid" /> <attribute name="statuscode" /> <attribute name="add_fechadeentrega" /> <attribute name="add_fechainstaladaenqa" /> <attribute name="incidentid" aggregate="count" alias="hola"/> <attribute name="modifiedon" /> <filter type="and"> <condition attribute="statecode" operator="eq" value="1" /> <condition attribute="ownerid" operator="eq" uiname="Nicolás Olivares" uitype="systemuser" value="{F7F57BEF-F4C8-E511-8117-2C59E5413A44}" /> <condition attribute="modifiedon" operator="on-or-after" value="2017-03-01" /> <condition attribute="modifiedon" operator="on-or-before" value="2017-03-09" /> </filter> </entity> </fetch>
Thanks, regards.