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Microsoft Dynamics GP forum

Dynamics GP Connect panel errors following Microsoft's Community "upgrade"

Posted on by 2,992
I tried to post this to the /new/ forum yesterday but still don't see it has shown up so I'm trying again:

We have many clients reporting errors when launching GP related to the infamous /Script Error/ that isn't covered by the learning page at An error has occurred in the script on this page error when launching - Dynamics GP | Microsoft Learn

Will Microsoft be updating this page to provide a solution to this?

[The work-around is to unmark the /Connect/ panel from the Home Page.]
  • Joseph Markovich Profile Picture
    Joseph Markovich 3,818 on at
    Dynamics GP Connect panel errors following Microsoft's Community "upgrade"
    I've been using the script that Lucas posted (and Beat Bucher posted on his blog and LinkedIn -- thanks Beat!) to just turn off the Connect pane. It is pretty worthless to have on the screen, in my opinion.
    What a mess this has caused!
  • Verified answer
    David Musgrave MVP GPUG All Star Legend Moderator Profile Picture
    David Musgrave MVP ... 13,781 Super User on at
    Dynamics GP Connect panel errors following Microsoft's Community "upgrade"
    Hi Lisa
    GP Power Tools has the ability to control the URLs used for both the Connect Home Page widget and the Intelligent Cloud Insights page. On newer GP versions without Intelligent Cloud Insights, it can add back a custom page for you to use. On older GP versions with Intelligent Cloud Insights, it has the option to hide the page.
    It can do this at the system level without needing Dex.ini or modifier changes to made on every workstation.
    If you want to manually make changes, use the blog articles below:
  • Lucas Miller Profile Picture
    Lucas Miller on at
    Dynamics GP Connect panel errors following Microsoft's Community "upgrade"
    Hello Lisa,
    There probably isn't anything to "fix" on the GP client side for this.  We tell a team on this side what content/slides to publish to this home page section and it we can change that at pretty much any time.  It doesn't require any changes to GP.  What probably needs to happen is whatever change that was made by the Dynamics Community maintenance this weekend needs to be adjusted so the URLs that GP is looking for are valid.
    The only thing we may need to change on the GP side is if the URLs the Connect section is hard-coded to look for are no longer valid it may require a code change in GP to point them to a different URL.  I don't have enough information about this current issue to say if that will be required though.  This URL isn't going to be stored in a table.  It's embedded in a file or somewhere in the Dex code.
    As for the forum changes, yesterday was the first time I've had a chance to look at them in quite a while and I was surprised to see the changes, if that tells you how much they let us know it was coming :).  I think we're all going to be learning about it together.
  • Lisa at Profile Picture
    Lisa at 2,992 on at
    Dynamics GP Connect panel errors following Microsoft's Community "upgrade"
    @Lucas - 

    Thank you for the script.  

    Do you have more information on the updates?  The questions we have so far are:
    -Is there a SQL table (and the updated URL) we can update for those users who still want access to Connect?
    -Will Microsoft be "fixing" this with the next GP update?  (I assume the June hotfix missed the change.)

    [General questions about this new forum:  Is there any help on how to subscribe like the old RSS option and/or to get email updates when there are updates to our posts.  I've been watching this forum for two days to see what would show up.  Would be nice to go back to having information show up in my In Box.]
  • Verified answer
    Lucas Miller Profile Picture
    Lucas Miller on at
    Dynamics GP Connect panel errors following Microsoft's Community "upgrade"
    Hello Lisa,
    It looks like the maintenance/upgrade that happened in the GP Community site this past weekend is related to this issue.  I've been providing the following script to people who have been opening support cases on this.  This will unmark the Connect home page section for all users when run against DYNAMICS:
    UPDATE SY08100
    SET Visible = 0
    WHERE SectionID = 6
    The team here is looking into correcting what is being published to the Connect section. Once we correct that I imagine these errors will stop happening without any change required on the client side.

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