RE: Leave Request Failed status
Hi Michal,
I have tested this again with the same issue but I cannot see what the cause of the fail is. Here are the steps taken:
1. Created new Leave Plan: Start Date 01/04/19; Accrual annually based on Plan Start Date; accrual award on period start date and accrual prorated.
2. Assigned user from 01/04/20 and ran accrual from 01/04/20. User awarded 34 days leave, as expected
3. User requested 12 days leave, (14/12/20 - 31/12/20) which successfully went through the workflow but was rejected by the manager. The time off request gained a status of Denied, as expected
4. The user requests 3 days, (21/09/20 - 23/09/20) the workflow runs again and the manager approves. The status on the time off request briefly updates to 'Approved' and then changes to 'Failed'. the Message Log shows The leave request can't exceed one day for 9/21/2020.
Another user also assigned the same leave plan has successfully requested 2 days leave, (02/09/20 - 03/09/20) and the request staus is Completed, as expected and the leave balances updated.
Many thanks for getting back to me