We have a customer request to be able to generate "non-SEPA" vendor payment files in the XML format...Previously they were using the SWIFT format which generates a flat file, but apparently their bank / ISABEL (not sure which) notified them that they will no longer accept this format.
So they now want to switch to the ISO20022 format.
More specifically they want to be able to define on the payment journal line who will bear the costs of the non-SEPA payment (value "CRED/DEBT/SHAR" in tag "<ChrgBr> in the XML file.
I have set up a new payment method using the "VendOutPaym_ISO20022_Generic" class and the "VendOutPaymRecord_ISO20022_Generic" class :
and I have set up related "payment specifications" and "payment fee specification"
I understand that a vendor payment is considered "non-SEPA" if :
- another currency is used then EUR
- the IBAN account is for a country that is not part of the SEPA zone
So i have made a vendor payment journal with :
- currency USD, which should be recognized as a "non-SEPA payment" because the the currency is not in EUR
- Set the payment specification to "SHAR" (=bank costs of non-SEPA payment will be shared between vendor and our company) but tried other values as well.
I've been going through the code...
It is my understanding that the classes "VendOutPaym_ISO20022_Generic" and "VendOutPaymRecord_ISO20022_Generic" should be able to cope with such a scenario.
But it seems as if the code only seems to work for actual SEPA payments, and not for international/non-SEPA payments.
I have found only one reference to a method that actually does something for non-Sepa payments and that is only for "transactions with the ability to group payment lines into separate payment information nodes". But this code is never called anywhere so it seems...
Does anyone have expercience setting up non-SEPA payments ?
Am I missing setup ?
Is customization of code necessary ?
Seems to me this is something that should be possible "out-of-the-box", even if maybe not all required XML tags or country-specific regulations aren't met...
Thanks in advance for any feedback...