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Commercial type emails and no subscription center

Posted on by 44


Is there a way to set up commercial emails without using the subscription center?

We have a solution whereby customers/contacts can opt-in and out from our emails on their profile on our website. When we send out commercial emails, we want to bypass the subscription center and handle opt-ins/outs in the solution we have created. Unfortunately, I haven't found a way to do this yet. Even with our unsubscribe link added to the commercial email I get an error message that we need a subscription center link.

We could set up all emails as transactional and add the unsubscribe link in the commercial emails we want to send out. However, this is not a solution I'm particular happy about.

Our DB set up:

At a contact level, we have a 1:N relationship with various types of consent (email, sms, phone, etc.). For the email consent there is a revoke consent URL, which is unique for each contact. Clicking this URL in an email will redirect contacts to an opt-out page linked with their profile on our website.

Best regards,


  • Suggested answer
    Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,056 on at
    RE: Commercial type emails and no subscription center

    Hi Svein,

    The two fields, Address Main and Subscription Center must be referenced in all marketing emails, so they are likewise required here.(Ref: Set up a subscription center (Dynamics 365 Marketing) | Microsoft Docs)

    Please refer to my answer to the following issue.

    (+) Subscription Center HTML Link Error - Dynamics 365 Marketing Forum Community Forum

    It could be a solution for your case.

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