i am facing a terrible problem while trying to do request from SOAPUI to retrieve some records from AX AIF Service and i found that there are some records not retrieved as it exists in AX so is it possible to do full sync to let this issue be finally solved??
Please anybody advise urgently.
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Whoever faces this issue , kindly be notified that the solution is to do full sync of the database to avoid these kinds of issues.
When you execute it in AX you get whole records it means your query is correct.
And giving different result in a different environment.
I am not wrong you run your Query with Admin role which bypasses all the securities.
Now find the patterns in the records fields. (between rows in AX and through AIF)
Company, partition, Warehouse (if applicable) etc.
Good, so here is the next step in the debugging process: what if you call the service without specifying any criteria?
Also, in which company did you run the query and what's your default company?
Yes, I did and it gets the whole records
If your statement "the query is AXInventoryOnhand" means that you're using the AIF document service 'Inventory on hand' and that the query used by this document service is 'AXInventoryOnhand'?
If so (despite the fact that the name looks wrong to me), what happen if you follow the other part of my advice and execute this query in AX? Do you get the records you expect?
If security is an issue , how the records all retrieved correctly when I transferred the production db to another server ?
As mentioned above, security could be one explanation. I'm also waiting for more information from your side before I can give more comments.
As I said that when I transferred the db to another server , it worked well but on the production server, the records aren't retrieved so what do u consider this case ?
If the service is built-in tell us the names and your AX version. It would be easy for others to understand your situation.
There could be multiple reasons for missing records
1. XDS security
2. ValidTimeState
3. Filters
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