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Can we set up a static IP address to dynamics 365 Business Central on cloud

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Hi Community,

I have 2 questions for dynamics 365 business central cloud version:

1. Can we set up a static IP address to dynamics 365 business central When subscribing it?

2. Is any chance to integrate with 3rd party system which base on windows service and require a static IP?

Thank you.


  • Suggested answer
    Can we set up a static IP address to dynamics 365 Business Central on cloud
    Hello Tero,
    We are facing the same issue as well.  Have you found the solution to getting a static IP address for Business Central cloud?  
    Thank You !!!
  • LauraCh Profile Picture
    LauraCh 15 on at
    RE: Can we set up a static IP address to dynamics 365 Business Central on cloud

    Hi Tero,

    Thank you very much!  email is on the way!!

    Laura :)

  • LauraCh Profile Picture
    LauraCh 15 on at
    RE: Can we set up a static IP address to dynamics 365 Business Central on cloud

    Hi Stefano,

    Thank you for your reply.  We tried to convince our integration partner, but they insisted we must provide static IP, which also sound strange to me...  

    Using the wrapper (as you mentioned) will be the alternative solution, which sound like the only solution now.

    Thank you!


  • Suggested answer
    RE: Can we set up a static IP address to dynamics 365 Business Central on cloud

    Hi Laura,

    I ended up using a Azure application proxy. It works fine but of course makes the integration more complicated as you have to first authenticate to Microsoft to get a token and then call your web service with two sets of authentication measures. Also any redirects (response 303) will represent an issue if and when they will not be the full url its redirecting to. Super long story short, email me @ and I will help you the best I can.

    Kind Regards,


  • Suggested answer
    Stefano Demiliani Profile Picture
    Stefano Demiliani 37,162 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Can we set up a static IP address to dynamics 365 Business Central on cloud

    The cloud D365BC service relies on microservices and scale sets and so you cannot have a static IP to use for your endpoints.

    if you really need a static IP for integrations (that sounds so strange) you can create an Azure Function that connects to D365BC APIs (act as a wrapper). To this function you can assign a static IP address from the Azure Portal.

  • LauraCh Profile Picture
    LauraCh 15 on at
    RE: Can we set up a static IP address to dynamics 365 Business Central on cloud

    Hi Tero,

    We are facing the same issue as well.  Have you found the solution to getting a static IP address for Business Central cloud?  

    Thank you,


  • RE: Can we set up a static IP address to dynamics 365 Business Central on cloud

    Hi Stefano,

    I am actually facing the same issue. This is due to white listing of IP's. My integration partner requires the IP from witch we are connecting to be in their white list and anytime the IP changes in Business central, the integration fails. Currently I am looking into Creating some kind of proxy in Azure, but doesn't seem too easy either.

    If you have any ideas, please let me know.

    Kind Regards,

    Tero Hassinen

  • Suggested answer
    Stefano Demiliani Profile Picture
    Stefano Demiliani 37,162 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Can we set up a static IP address to dynamics 365 Business Central on cloud

    1) I don't think so. When you activate the subscription, you have a tenant url and you cannot manage that tenant.

    2) Yes, you can interact with D365BC using web services. Why a static IP? You can talk with a WS via the URL provided, using the IP is never recommended.

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