While doing some modification in some F&O SSRS report, I found some doubts that need help to confirm.
It's about column visibility, is there any different when we choose the Visibility between Show and Show and hide based on expression, but inside expression is set to True ?
However, the expression is put in this way ->
My finding is now, it won't display the column, and I am forced to choose Show instead.
Reason I want it to still choose Show and hide based on expression is because I want the original expression that I commented to still intact in the report. If I choose Show, the Expression will later removed.
The expression you put inside "Show and hide based on expression" is related to hiding column. So if you put it as True, it means it will always be hidden.
So if let's say, you put inside this property the following: IFF(CountRows("Customers") = 0 , True, False)
it means, if there are no records returned from CustTable, the column will be hidden, else the column will show
Layan Jweihan
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