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Set Up/Access Issues

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Hi. I'm having issues setting up MS Guides. I work for a large company that didn't have Guides set up on their system. After months of organising, I finally got the full licence. My Local IT had issues setting me up originally, using my company email address (Company Domain?), so they set me up with a new MS account and that allowed me to get started while we tried to get to the bottom of the issue, but obviously, this had to be sorted. This MS account allowed me access to the MS 365 Admin centre. As it turns out, my licence had been issued to someone else with the same name.  

So now, using my company email address, I have access to the MS Power platform to set up my environments. I have set up a new environment and installed Guides. But now, I don't have access to the MS 365 Admin centre. My company have said that I will be the worldwide admin for Guides as I'm the first to use it and no one else knows anything about it. While I was using the MS account, I could set up accounts for other users etc.

Can someone help? I'm going round and round in circles with this.

  • Suggested answer
    RyanN Profile Picture
    RyanN on at
    RE: Set Up/Access Issues

    Hi Alex

    That sounds extremely frustrating. It can definitely be a challenge to sort through the layers of IT.

    Please message me with your email and we can setup a meeting to get you sorted.

    In the meantime, it appears that your IT deptertment has made you an admin for the Dataverse environment but not for a global Microsoft admin.

    The latter (MSFT admin) is requird to access where you assign and manage license.

    Taking a step back, there are two parts to the setup: the licenses (done via MSFT admin centre) and the setup of the Guides dataverse environment done via Power Apps admin centre.

    The license assignment/management should just be a one time thing so shouldn't be too much trouble once you get this sorted.

    Here are best docs to reference:

    End to end setup instructions:

    Overview of the various components of the architecture:


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