Our Accounting team uses Project management and accounting module for Accounting and our version is DAX 2012 CU3 (feature pack). We have a third party application that sends Fee and Hour transactions to data via DAX services. Currently the LedgerJournalTrans.Txt (Txt column in the LedgerJournalTrans table) is of string type with size 255. This Txt field uses LedgerJournalTransTxt EDT and this again using TransTxt EDT which is of type string and allows only 255 characters.
They are asking to us to see if the LedgerJournalTrans.Txt can accept upto 1000 characters. If I were to increase its size then I have to increase the size of TransTxt EDT size. This has to be quick change and I need some advise if I can go ahead and increase or will there be any other things that might break because of this change?
My idea is to make changes in Development environment and ask them to perform an end to end testing. Please advise.
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