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Retrieve the latest date from items in an each loop

Posted on by 10


This issue regards HTML when designing a marketing email.

I am trying to get a startdate from an entity called "Membership" by using an #each loop. 

I prefer c# but sometimes these tasks appear as well. What I would've done in c# is basically like this (code not tested):

DateTime startDate = new DateTime();
DateTime endDate = new DateTime();

foreach(var membership in memberships)
    if(membership.startdate > startDate)
        startDate = membership.startDate;
        endDate = membership.endDate;

And then print out the variables.
Doing the same in html doesn't seem to be as easy.
Below code is insufficient, and I don't know how to use variables like this.


var startDate = ?;
var endDate = ?;

{{#each contact.membership_id}}
    {{#if (gt this.startDate startDate)}}
        startDate = this.startDate;
        endDate = this.endDate;

Member from:{startDate}

Member to:{endDate}

Please help me understand if and how this is do-able.

Another thought I had was to make a list with all the startdates and enddates (a list<datetime, datetime>-ish) and then choose the max datetime among all entries. But I have no clue on how to do this either. 

Best regards,

  • Elisa del valle Profile Picture
    Elisa del valle 10 on at
    RE: Retrieve the latest date from items in an each loop

    I have the same question,  could we use variables en [tag:each] loop

  • Matilda Olsson Profile Picture
    Matilda Olsson 10 on at
    RE: Retrieve the latest date from items in an each loop

    Yeah, we thought of solutions including a new field, a parameter to the workflow or customer journey, but we are unfortunately not allowed to do any such changes.

    I understood it the same way, that C# was not apply-able to the HTML. But there are no other ways in HTML to use variables or lists the way I want then? If not then I will just have to accept defeat.

    Thank you for the fast answer!

    Best regards,


  • Verified answer
    Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,056 on at
    RE: Retrieve the latest date from items in an each loop

    Hi Matilda,

    The C# code is not supported in the code block of Marketing Emails.

    It is recommended to create a custom field in your entity, which can record the latest date with something like workflow. Then insert the field as a dynamic content into the email, so that the latest date can be shown.


    If this helped you, I'd appreciate it if you'd mark this as a Verified Answer, which may in turn help others as well.

    Best Regards,


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