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Summary in cases not accessible for basic users

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Hello, I did some searching, reading and even tried the configurations in the link below in my Dev environment and the summary of a case is not accessible for basic users.
Here is a screen shot of the error says...
It seems that you don't have access to the data used for the case summary. Contact your system administator to get help on your user settings roles. That person who tested has the basic user, the customer service app access security roles.
In the other roles I see is the /Copilot for Service users/ but is it the good security role to give?
Compared to my roles, I don't have the /Copilot for Service users/, but I have Basic user, CEO Business Manager, customer service app access, Customer voice - add on, System Administrator. The roles I suspect that gives me access to the case summary may be the CEO Business Manager and System Admin, but obviously I will not give those security roles to basic users.
Anyone has a clue to what could give access to the case summary for basic users?
  • Verified answer
    Cat_Car Profile Picture
    Cat_Car 93 on at
    Summary in cases not accessible for basic users
    Hello, I would like to add that in order for the agents to get access, I needed to add security roles which are :
    Omnichannel agent
    Omnichannel supervisor 
    Customer service representative.
  • Verified answer
    PerezAguiar Profile Picture
    PerezAguiar on at
    Summary in cases not accessible for basic users
    If you go to Customer Service Admin Center > Insights, > Summaries (preview), after you've opted in, you should see an option that states "make case summaries available to agents". So, one first possible approach would be to assign the "Omnichannel Agent" security role to those users.
    However, it's important that you also click on the "manage data" link.  This will allow you to match some fields with other related tables.  You should notice all fields are selected.  Please keep in mind this means that the user should have a security role with permissions to read on those entities.  IF you're working with "Customer service" module, you might want to uncheck the option for "Product", as this usually requires Sales License/Sales Security role.
    I hope this answer has helped you solve your problem. If you are satisfied with it, please consider marking it as the excellent answer by clicking on the green check mark below. This will help other users who have similar questions find the best solution.
     Thank you for your feedback!

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