I have a custom entity (let's called it Entity A) which has a N:1 relationship with a Contact. I have another custom Entity B, which has a N:N relationship with Entity A.
I have added both Entity A and B into the 'Customer Insights sync' entities but their N:N relationship isn't showing in Segment Definition Designer. Is this the expected behaviour?
Using Advanced Find, I can run a Contact query that filters on Entity B. So I thought as a workaround I can create a Marketing List (where subscription is false), manage its members there (using filter from Entity B) and then add the Marketing List into the Segment. However, the marketing list members aren't picked up as the Segment Members at all.
If I do the exact same segment query, using a Marketing list where Subscription is true then the members are picked up correctly - so is it a known restriction that Segments only work with subscription list?
Another workaround I can think of is creating the N:N intersect entity manually - but I'm a bit hesitant of doing this without knowing for sure what actually can be achieved using the native functionality. Has anyone come across the same issue before?