I have a requirement to make itemization date filter control non-editable (control name - TrvItemizationCalendarControl) on TrvExpenses form.
I wrote code on form & datasources (TrvExpTrans_ItemizedLines & trvExptrans) as well in init method but still field is editable.
Also, currently when we click on a particular date on calender , based on transaction date records gets filtered in itemization tab but after making this calender non-editable, I want to take the transaction date directly from header & show the transactions directly there based on selected date.
Anyone have idea where to write code to achieve this.
[ExtensionOf(formDataSourceStr(TrvExpenses,TrvExpTrans))]final class SAPTrvExpenses_Extension{public void init() { FormControl trvExpCalender = this.formRun().design().controlName(formControlStr(TrvExpenses,TrvItemizationCalendarControl)); next init(); trvExpCalender.allowEdit(false); }}