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Project invoice proposal wrongly splitted between funding sources

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Hello everyone,

I have a question regarding how an invoice proposal is splitted between two funding sources.

So, have two funding sources on my contract splitted by 50% each. I made one transaction for 5 hours at a unit sales price of 200 which makes a total amount of 1000.


I am generating my invoice proposal and I have two of them which is correct but instead of splitting the quantity by two, it is splitting the unit sales price. In both my invoice proposal I have 5 hours at 100EUR which make a total of 500EUR. The total is correct but as we are detailling the invoice to our customer it is wrong because he will see 5 hours at 100 and he should see 2.5 hours at 200. Is it something we can setup in the system ?


Thanky you for your help

  • Suggested answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Project invoice proposal wrongly splitted between funding sources

    Hello Sebastien,

    I do not know any parameter that would allow you making this differentiation.

    That is maybe something you can post on the site as a product suggestion.

    Yet, in the short term you might either have to modify the standard functionality or adjust the transactions that you plan to invoice with the help of the standard adjustment feature if this is an option.

    Best regards,


  • RE: Project invoice proposal wrongly splitted between funding sources


    It is not wrong it is a different logic. But do you know if there is a setup to choose between the price or the quantity? I didn't find anything and I think it is designed this way. We can show the amount without the detail, but if we print the detail to one of the customer we will have a problem because it is more logical for them to have the quantity divided instead of sales price.



  • Suggested answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Project invoice proposal wrongly splitted between funding sources


    I would not consider this as wrong. To make it clear to your customer you might want to add a note that the price that he receives is only a fraction of the total price because multiple funding sources cover the project. Alternatively, can you only show your customer the total amount without details of the hours and sales price/hour?

    Best regards,


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