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1099 NEC Form - printing 2 per page

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The 1099 NEC form is supposed to print 3 per page. When we print it - it is only printing 2 per page  - leaves the third one blank, however, the first 2 forms line up correctly. We are using out of the box (not modified report)

Thanks for your assistance.

  • Sunil Chhabra Profile Picture
    Sunil Chhabra 1,934 on at
    RE: 1099 NEC Form - printing 2 per page

    Thanks yes that did work - strange but worked.  Printing to screen displays 2 forms but sending to the printer prints 3 forms.

  • Verified answer
    Hokuminaria Profile Picture
    Hokuminaria 2,950 on at
    RE: 1099 NEC Form - printing 2 per page

    Hello Nfpacct,

    We have seen in some environments that printing to screen will only print two. But if you print to the printer it will print three. Can you try printing to the printer and see if it gives you three?

    If not, I would check if you have a modified report as Lisa has stated. If so, set it back to the core report and see if the issue still happens.

    Set security back to the core report.

    1. Change the security back to the core GP Report.
      1. Open the User Security window.
        1. Administration >> Setup >> System >> User Securit
        2. ySelect the user you are testing the report with.
        3. Select the company the report is being tested in.
        4. Click the ‘Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports ID’ Hyperlink at the bottom.
    2. In the ‘Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports ID’, select the following
      1. Product = All Products.
      2. Type = Reports.
      3. Series = Purchasing.
      4. Expand the purchasing folder in the bottom of the window.
      5. Locate and expand the report
      6. Mark the radial button next to the none modified version of the report.
      7. Test printing this report.
      8. Does the same thing happen?

    I hope this helps!

    Thank you!

    Brandon Jarrett | Microsoft Support Engineer

      1. Suggested answer
        Lisa at Profile Picture
        Lisa at 603 on at
        RE: 1099 NEC Form - printing 2 per page

        It sounds like someone has a modified version out there.  Have you run the System Reconcile for security?  (Caution:  This can be very destructive if you aren't familiar with it.)  

        If you aren't comfortable with reconciling security, a safe test may be to modify a version of the 1099-NEC (for example, move one of the name fields), add access to the modified version and then print to the screen/plain paper to see if you get the modified version.  (When testing this make certain you are printing the exact 1099 format you modified as there are two for 1099-NEC.)

        If you print to the screen, when you set the Screen Output to 50% you should see that the first page includes three forms.

      2. Sunil Chhabra Profile Picture
        Sunil Chhabra 1,934 on at
        RE: 1099 NEC Form - printing 2 per page

        The year end release has been applied

        We are on version 18.4.1384


      3. Suggested answer
        Lisa at Profile Picture
        Lisa at 603 on at
        RE: 1099 NEC Form - printing 2 per page

        If you are running GP 18.x, you need to apply the 2021 year-end (or newer) hot fix to get the 2021 1099-NEC format.  Here is the blog post when the new updated 1099-NEC format was first released:

        (+) Microsoft Dynamics GP U.S. Year-End Update 2021 RELEASED!! - Microsoft Dynamics GP Community

        [GP 2016 did not get an update for the 2021 1099-NEC as it is no longer in mainstream support.]

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