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What would cause batch jobs to not run directly?

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What would cause batch jobs to not start directly?

I'm using sysOperationFramework with /reliable async/. And sometimes, I can see that the batch job is not created directly in batch job history table. What would be the cause of that? is it that the batch thread limit is reached?
  • DELDYN Profile Picture
    DELDYN 308 on at
    What would cause batch jobs to not run directly?
    Hi Martin,
    Do you recommend if i replace reliable async with async to enhance performance?
    Can u give me the advantages and disadvantages of this?
  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,488 Most Valuable Professional on at
    What would cause batch jobs to not run directly?
    For example, one process puts a message to a message queue, which triggers another system processing messages in the queue. This is purely asynchronous process with all the benefits, but no scheduled batch is involved.
    Note that a synchronous process may be slow and cause waiting at both sides, while an asynchronous process may be be fast, therefore this is not the key differentiator. You can see n your case too - you seem to be fine with using an asynchronous process, the problem is performance, which is a different thing.
  • DELDYN Profile Picture
    DELDYN 308 on at
    What would cause batch jobs to not run directly?
    Hi Martin,
    What do u mean async doesn't mean a batch, can you give an example please?
    In my scenario real time is needed because the customer will be waiting
    I didn't mean the dialog of the sysOperation. To remind you of my scenario. In the form there is a button to create a journal. Once it's clicked a dialog appears to fill data (no sys Operation yet). Now what i  did, is after the posting method,  i call a service class in sysOperation with reliable async. Which means the original dialog for posting the journal will close and this code won't affect the posting process. So when I said I will add code before the dialog closes, then i'm talking about journal dialog, so  i will affect the posting process and call the code directly without sysOperation. 
    What details would u like to know to help me in finding the best solution?
  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,488 Most Valuable Professional on at
    What would cause batch jobs to not run directly?
    There is universal best design for all possible situations. What's the best is highly specific to particular requirements and limitations.
    Note that users very often require synchronous communication, but it's rarely necessary and it's typically wrong design. Asynchronous communication has many benefits, such as reliability and load distribution. But asynchronous doesn't necessarily mean a batch.
    By the way, SysOperation dialogs are show before execution the actual work, there for the idea of not closing the dialog after posting makes no sense to me. You fill in parameters in a dialog, confirm it (which closes the dialog) and the parameters are stored in database (in case of executing modes using batch). You move to other work and in parallel, a batch server picks up the data in database (sooner or later) and start running the job. Note that the dialog is guaranteed to be already closed, because otherwise the request for processing wouldn't exist and no batch would run.
    Regarding 3, maybe a search engine would give you an answer, my memory doesn't contain any link to any such an article. And maybe it's not true anymore; I was involved in designing a workaround, but it was a few AX versions ago.
  • DELDYN Profile Picture
    DELDYN 308 on at
    What would cause batch jobs to not run directly?
    Hi Martin,
    1. So do you think point 2 and point 3 i wrote in the previous reply might not be worth it? (Reserved capacity or my suggestion to split batches)
    2. What is the best way to send large data in real time and there could be lots of journals to send per day. The only thing I can think of is when posting the journal I don't close the dialog and send it directly in real time.
    3. Is there a Microsoft article that batch jobs take a look once a minute?
  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,488 Most Valuable Professional on at
    What would cause batch jobs to not run directly?
    I believe that batch jobs take a look once a minute.
    If the response time is critical, maybe using a batch job isn't the right approach. But I really can't comment on your business scenario, as I know know almost nothing about it.
  • DELDYN Profile Picture
    DELDYN 308 on at
    What would cause batch jobs to not run directly?
    Any idea?
  • DELDYN Profile Picture
    DELDYN 308 on at
    What would cause batch jobs to not run directly?
    Hi Martin,
    1. So there is no defined period on when batch jobs look if they are free?
    2. Also after I tried critical batch group, i was thinking to give it a try with the reserved capacity.. do you think it might make a difference?

    3. What do you think of my suggestion in point 5 in the previous question?
    4. My problem with 2 minutes is that the customer is in the store and waiting. Also sometimes they wait more than 2 minutes... So ideally we want it to be 20 seconds Max. What a better approach you would suggest?
    Please note that the data returned from the journal is large, as we are returning header and lines. Lines could reach 500 in one journal. But as you saw from the timing my issue was mainly because of a delay in the batch job and not because of the data returned.

  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,488 Most Valuable Professional on at
    What would cause batch jobs to not run directly?
    1. Well, because they're not making the request all the time. Even if they looked every second, it would still be "some time".
    2. Either running or reserved for something else.
    3. Most likely because the history record is created when the task is complete.
    If you put something into queue, you can expect any guarantee that the task will be processed immediately. The point of a queue is that things waited there until something can process them, which will happen after processing things added to the queue before. This is not a performance issues; it's the way how asynchronous processing works.
    Can you explain what problem you have with the process waiting for two minutes? It sounds like you have problem in your design if this is a problem for your solution.

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