we are trying to invoice a LPO but it keeps giving us the message,’The vendor invoice cannot be displayed because it is in use with other user’
for this we tried
1) logged out the user who had created the LPO and was trying to invoice. And then another user tried to invoice but got the same message
2) cleared the usage data of the user who was getting this message and then tried to I voice
3) open the system in incognito mode
4) we had recalled it and resubmitted it again to repeat the approval and see if the message won’t come but still it shows
5) and checked the clean PO line manually under periodic tasks in procured module but could not find any line there
6) checked the pending invoices there for one PO there are no pending invoices and for another PO there is pending invoice but the delete button is disable
what could be the reason and how can we resolve it?