RE: Need to display multiple legal entities records in purchase order form.
To display multiple legal entity records in the PO form based on the values selected by the user, you can follow these steps:
1. After capturing the values given by the user in the dialog class, create a query that filters the Purchase Orders based on the legal entities selected by the user. You can use the multi-select lookup field to create the filter condition in the query.
2. Use the "from date" and "to date" values provided by the user to further filter the Purchase Orders in the query.
3. Use the "PO status" field to further filter the Purchase Orders in the query.
4. Once the query is ready, use it to fetch the relevant Purchase Orders from the system.
5. Create a PO summary form that displays the required fields for the Purchase Orders fetched by the query.
6. Use a data grid or a similar UI control to display the Purchase Orders in the PO summary form.
7. For each Purchase Order, display the relevant legal entity information along with the other fields.
By following these steps, you can create a PO summary form that displays the relevant Purchase Orders based on the legal entities, date range, and PO status selected by the user in the dialog class.