Have a client that is currently manually exporting GL Trial Balance data from D365 F&O (Cloud) into Excel, then creating some Financial Reports. They want to be able to automate the Excel exporting via refreshable link using OData (or some other method). Eventually they want to create a Financial reporting dashboard in Power BI. I can see the Query Statement in the Form Information/Administration page, but not sure if I can use this query in Excel.
SELECT FIRSTFAST FORUPDATE AmountCredit, AmountCreditSim_IT, AmountDebit, AmountDebitSim_IT, ClosingAdjustments, ClosingTransactions, DimensionValues[1], EndingBalance, LedgerDimension, OpeningBalance, PrimaryFocus, PrimaryFocusDescription, ReportingAmountCredit, ReportingAmountDebit, ReportingClosingAdjustments, ReportingClosingTransactions, ReportingEndingBalance, ReportingOpeningBalance, DimensionValues[2], DimensionValues[3], DimensionValues[4], DimensionValues[5], DimensionValues[6], DimensionValues[7], DimensionValues[8], DimensionValues[9], DimensionValues[10], DimensionValues[11] FROM LedgerTrialBalanceTmp(LedgerTrialBalanceTmp)
Any help would be appreciated.