We are beginning to design more complex Customer Journeys, but we are surprised but some limitations we have run into. I am listing below some of the main roadblocks / questions that we have, but the main think I am looking for is some kind of add on (or multiple add ons) that will increase the functionality of Customer Journeys. If not that, how can we accomplish the tasks we have below within Customer Journeys? Do we need to use Workflows, or design our own Custom Channels? Any info is greatly appreciated, thank you!
1.) When we build a Journey, we want to have things stop depending on an Activity (Appointment, Phone Call, Task, or LinkedIn InMail) being completed. I see where I can make an Activity get created based on steps of a Journey, but I don't see a trigger of "when Activity A is completed, continue the Journey". Can we accomplish this somehow?
2.) When I trigger a Workflow to run in a Journey, can I pull Dynamic fields from the Journey in the Workflow? If I want a step of a Journey to update a Contact record, can I make it so it flags a field with something from the Journey (Journey Name, Marketing Email Name, anything to tie it back to the Journey)?
3.) When a contact enters a "Swimlane", can we have them exit the "lane" based on changes to the Contact record, even if they are in the middle of the Journey? I know we can have steps of the Journey "kick them out", such as email opens / clicks, but if their Contact or Account record is updated by something outside the Journey that would make them no longer part of the Segment / lane, would it automatically kick them out? Is there a downside to making a Journey with a bunch of lanes that Contacts can "waterfall" into as they go through the Journey, so we can manage when a record remains in a Journey?