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Struggling with the Learning Path / How wo add a variable to a measure

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Hi Everyone,

I am new to Custmer Insights and have started the Learnign Path, but now I am Stuck. The learning Path seems to be outdated. I am not able to add a variable to a measure. I am trying to calculate the the Life Time Spent for a customer, like described here: Work with measures - Learn | Microsoft Docs 

I can't find "variables". I have also tried to calculate the Life Time Spent directly, but it seems that I am only allowed to either choose the pos_purchases.TotalPrice or eCommercePurchases.TotalPrice 

Creating a "Customer Mesaure" for each Field, is working like a charm, but I have no clue, how to sum up both fields into one "Customer Measure"

Can anyone help out?

1.) Where do I find "variables"?

2,) If "variables" are gone, how can I sum up two "Customer Mesaure" into one?

 I want to sum up the two highlighted measures, into a sinle "Customer measure"




  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Struggling with the Learning Path / How wo add a variable to a measure

    Hi John,

    this helped me a lot! I was able to successfully setup the Lifetime Spend ($) Calculation!


    Thanks for your quick help!



  • Verified answer
    John Wiese Profile Picture
    John Wiese on at
    RE: Struggling with the Learning Path / How wo add a variable to a measure

    Hello Martin,

    Thanks for your inquiry. We have changed the Measure builder within Audience Insights and unfortunately the learning paths have not been updated yet.  There are a couple of steps you will need to make sure you have done, first is that you have created the relationships between the Customer entity and the POS Purchases and also the Customer and the eCommerce Purchases.  With those in place you can then perform the steps needed.  You can find the updated lab steps in this PDF.  If you start with exercise 3 you should be able to complete the same steps the learning path are taking you through.

    Hope this helps,  John


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