Hi Everyone,
I am new to Custmer Insights and have started the Learnign Path, but now I am Stuck. The learning Path seems to be outdated. I am not able to add a variable to a measure. I am trying to calculate the the Life Time Spent for a customer, like described here: Work with measures - Learn | Microsoft Docs
I can't find "variables". I have also tried to calculate the Life Time Spent directly, but it seems that I am only allowed to either choose the pos_purchases.TotalPrice or eCommercePurchases.TotalPrice
Creating a "Customer Mesaure" for each Field, is working like a charm, but I have no clue, how to sum up both fields into one "Customer Measure"
Can anyone help out?
1.) Where do I find "variables"?
2,) If "variables" are gone, how can I sum up two "Customer Mesaure" into one?
I want to sum up the two highlighted measures, into a sinle "Customer measure"