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Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Archived)

Microsoft Navision 2013 User SALs

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Hi  There,

I am using the Navision subscription license at the first time.

And I read this link:

I have some question to below paragraph:

  • "User SALs" are licenses that are specific to each user and may not be shared with other users. You may select the Standard SAL, the Extended Use Additive SAL, or the Limited SAL as user SAL types. If you select the Extended Use Additive SAL, You must license Extended Use Additive SALs for all Standard SALs. The Limited SAL grants access to the same set of functionalities that are available to users performing Full User tasks, subject to the restrictions listed in the Limited User definition. Microsoft grants you, at no charge, two SALs of the same type used by your Full Users: one specifically for an External Accountant User, and one specifically for a System Administrator User. You may permanently reassign your user SAL from one user to another. You may temporarily reassign your user SAL to a temporary user while the permanent user is absent. The External Accountant User and the System Administrator User cannot be used for any other purposes. User SALs can only be licensed under the Subscription License Model.

I have two questions.

1. Microsoft grants you, at no charge, two SALs of the same type used by your Full Users: one specifically for an External Accountant User, and one specifically for a System Administrator User.

These makes perfect sense. We are one of Microsoft Navision vendors. When we deploy Navision for customer, we like to use a service account to run the Navision server instance, and we own an administrative account. So we need to do user setup for the service account and administrative account.

Does this means I should set the service account and administrative account license type as "external user" or "Full user"?

2.You may permanently reassign your user SAL from one user to another. You may temporarily reassign your user SAL to a temporary user while the permanent user is absent.

How to reassign SAL especial someone left company, and we has deleted the user account?

*This post is locked for comments

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Microsoft Navision 2013 User SALs

    Our customer intends to change to perpetual license.

    So It is  not a matter now.

    Thanks for your support.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Microsoft Navision 2013 User SALs

    I will update to you later. I need to check with other team members.

    I don't know if anyone else deleted users from SQL or designer. But It is possible. Because the blueprint database is prepared by other team.

  • AJAnsari Profile Picture
    AJAnsari 5,754 on at
    RE: Microsoft Navision 2013 User SALs

    If you've deleted those users, it is because one of the following reasons:

    - You created a User login in NAV but it was never used (or it was used but the user never entered any transactions; I'm less certain about this part within the parentheses)

    - You forcibly removed a record in the NAV User table from SQL (or by running the User table from Object Designer and deleting from there; which may have required you to disable some code in the OnDelete trigger in NAV).

    Either way, in the context of your question, you can have 5 Enabled Users at any time if you have 5 SALs. You may have more User records, but they have to be set to Disabled, otherwise you will exceed your license count and will see an error/warning and may be unable to log in to NAV.

    So, since you are unable to create new users, I have to ask: How were these users deleted? From inside the NAV Client? From the Object Designer by running the Table? From SQL?

    Also run Table 2000000120 and tell me how many records you see there.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Microsoft Navision 2013 User SALs

    Thanks for your reply.

    I still have two questions.

    1. As you mentioned, I cannot delete the user login. But what should I do if I've already deleted some users?

    2. To free an SAL, I only need to disable a user. Do you mean if I have 5 SALS, and I've created 5 users. After I disable a user, I can create a new user?

    In order to create some new users, I've deleted some users. But even the number of users less than licensed SALs, I am not able to create new users. Does this caused by deleting users?

  • Verified answer
    AJAnsari Profile Picture
    AJAnsari 5,754 on at
    RE: Microsoft Navision 2013 User SALs

    Regarding #1, the User running the NAV service does not need to be a NAV user. But it does need to have the rights to log on as a service (managed as part of Local Security Policy). Therefore, that should not burn up either the "External User" or the "Full User".

    As for #2, Microsoft may change this at some point to match what they do in Dynamics 365 for Financials (where license assignments are done in the Office 365 Admin Portal), but at that time for NAV, the assignments are managed inside NAV by way of enabling and disabling Users (on the User card).

    If a user has logged in and done anything in NAV, you cannot delete the User login, but you can Disable it. This frees you up to create a new User record and setting it to Enabled. In the Named user world, you have to remember that it's a zero-sum game (to add or enable a new user, you must disable a user permanently or temporarily; unless you buy more SALs).

    And there is no unique action to permanently disable a User vs. doing it temporarily. You simply mark the User as Disabled (and if permanent, you will never enable it again).

    I hope this helps. If my response has answered your question, please verify by clicking Yes next to "Did this answer your question?"

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